Monday, March 24, 2014

Graveyard Words

Graveyard Words
“Don’t you dare put these words in your essays!”


1.) Vague references to numbers
Many                Lots                           A lot                        A bunch
2.) Words that are slang or colloquial language
Ain’t     Gonna         Back in the day               Nowadays         Really          Guy

Crap        Sucks          Kids                           Cause (as in because) Cuz   Dakine
3.) Vague references to specific items
Stuff           Things              Something             Anything    Dakine
4.) Vague references to emotions
Fun                Nice                Happy                  Sad                Mad

Good              Bad                 Awesome
5.) Weak verbs:
to get               to do              to make                          to have
getting                    does                       makes                                             has

gets                         did                         made                                              had

got                           doing                      making                                           having
to show              to be               to let
shows                         am                          let

showing                       is                           lets

shown                         are                          letting

showed                       were

Your Assignment:
Choose your worst offenders --at least one from each list of the five categories. 
List those words.
Next to each offending word, write a  more precise or powerful word that could replace the words you chose from the list.

Due Date: Tuesday March 31st.  Equals 50 points.